الخميس، 18 يناير 2018

Top ways to make money online 2018

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 3:36 ص

It’s a new year which means it’s time to set new goals for ourselves. If you’re like most people your new years goals are either to get healthy or make more money. If you said make more money, then you’ve come to the right article. Want somewhere to start? I suggest trying to make money online. If you can run a business from your couch what’s the excuse right?

Here are five ways to make money online in 2018.

Launch an Online Store

If you’re willing to really put in the time and effort launching an online store can be immensely profitable. Now before you say no because you don’t know how to code listen to this. Thanks to ecommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce you can easily build beautiful online stores with little to no technical experience.

You can create and run an entire online business using one of these platforms. They offer plenty of integrations like marketing, payment processing, search engine optimization, and more!

Ghostwriting or Guest Posting

Every single blog on the internet could use more content. If you’re a good writer you can make serious money ghostwriting or guest posting for various companies. If you’re an expert in a specific field like FinTech or cryptocurrencies you can make well over six figures a year writing full-time.

You can research companies in your field and try to find the person in charge of content. Reach out to them either with a finished post or a few sample titles. Once you get approved by a few companies start typing away and watch the cash roll in!

Start Your Own Blog

If you want to take your writing to the next level you may want to consider starting your own blog. Again this works best if you’re an expert in a specific area or industry. For example if you’re a fitness expert you can start a health and fitness blog. Make sure your content is creative and try to offer as much guidance as possible.

Health and fitness blogs work best if your readers use your advice to achieve their fitness goals. If you get big enough you can turn your reader’s success stories into case studies and attract an even larger audience. Once your blog is popular enough you can offer sponsored postings or product placement by health and fitness related products. This example for health and fitness can be used for virtually any industry.

Trade Cryptocurrencies

This is a controversial yet highly lucrative one. Cryptocurrencies seem to be hot right now and it’s for a good reason. So called “unsophisticated” investors are making millions trading digital currencies. The most popular coins now are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin however there are new coins coming out every day.

If you want to make money trading cryptocurrency you need to get educated and use the proper tools. I suggest starting off with a Coinbase account and do your best to understand cryptocurrency and blockchain technology as a whole.

Offer Services on Fiverr or Upwork

If you consider yourself a professional you can offer your services on Fiverr or Upwork. These platforms connect freelancers with contractors for virtually any type of job. Services range from software development all the way to accounting.

The only issue with these platforms is that contractors typically only work with freelancers who have a developed work history. That said, it can be difficult to get your first few jobs. However if you’re good at what you do then you’ll be a 5-star freelancer in no time.

Final Thoughts

If you want to make money online there are plenty of options for you to choose from. For starters, I suggest considering the five above as they can all become highly lucrative side (or full) time gigs.


اهم واغرب المعلومات الطبية التي يجب أن تعرفها !!!

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 3:33 ص

نظف الجلد واضغط بشكل خفيف على مكان
الحرق بأصابع يدك الأخرى. الثلج سيخفف ألمك
بسرعة أكبر. لكن الطريقة الطبيعية ستعيد
الجلد المحروق إلى درجة الحرارة الطبيعية،
فيصبح الجلد أقل تشوهاً. 
ليسا ديستيفانو، أستاذ مساعد في كلية
ولاية ميشغان الجامعية. 

.... عالج الم الأسنان دون فتح فمك ...

لماذا لا تجرب فرك قطعة ثلج على باطن يدك،
على المنطقة الغشائية على هيئة v بين
إبهامك وسبابتك. 
لماذا لان هناك توجد ممرات الأعصاب
التي تحفز الدماغ وتمنع إشارات الألم
الصادرة من الوجه والأيدي
دراسة كندية. 

... حتى لا تصاب بالدوخة .... 

ضع يدك على شيء ثابت لان اليد تحتوي
على أعصاب تعطي الدماغ مؤشر بأنك متوازن. 
بعد الإشارة التي ترسلها القوقعة،
الجزء المسئول عن التوازن في الأذن. 
يعوم الجزء المسئول عن التوازن في سائل
من نفس كثافة الدم. بينما يخفف الكحول
الدم فيصبح أقل كثافة وترتفع
القوقعة مما يسبب الدوخة. 
الدكتور سكوت شافير، رئيس مركز
الأذن والأنف و الحنجرة
في نيوجيرسي. 

...خفف وخز الألم في جانبك الأيمن .... 

هل تشعر بوخز مؤلم عندما تركض،
هذا لأنك تخرج الهواء 'تزفر' بينما
تضرب قدمك اليمنى الأرض. 
مما يضع ضغطاً على كبدك
(الموجود على الجانب الأيمن من الجسم)،
ويسبب شداً للحجاب الحاجز الذي يرسل
أشارة بوخز جانبي. ببساطة تعلم
أن تزفر عندما تضرب قدمك اليسرى الأرض. 
كتاب العلاج المنزلي للرجال

... أوقف نزيف الدم من الأنف ....

أغلق انفك وارجع رأس للخلف،
بالطبع أذا كنت تريد الاختناق بدمك. 
أما الطريقة الصائبة فهي وضع قطن على
لثتك العليا التي تقع أسفل الأنف واضغط
عليه بقوة. 
يأتي أكثر النزف من جبهة الحاجز،
جدار الغضروف الذي يقسم الأنف،
والضغط عليها يوقف النزيف. 
بيتر ديسماريس اختصاصي أذن وأنف وحنجرة
في مستشفى اينتابيني، في ديربان، جنوب أفريقيا. 

... اجعل قلبك يتوقف .. 

هل تريد أن تهدأ ضربات قلبك ؟
انفخ على إبهامك. 
لماذا؟ يمكن السيطرة على عصب فاغوس،
الذي يتحكم بمعدل نبضات القلب،
من خلال التنفس. وسوف تستعيد معدل نبضات
قلبك إلى الوضع الطبيعي. 
بن أبو ، اختصاصي خدمات طبي طارئِ
في جامعةِ بيتسبيرج.

حافظ على بصرك ... 

البصر الرديء سببه وراثي ولكن الاستعمال
الخاطئ للعيون أيضاً يسبب ضعف البصر
مثل التحديق المستمر في شاشات الحاسوب،
وللتخفيف من هذه المشكلة يمكنك القيام بهذا
التمرين البسيط . بعد كل ساعة، قم بأخذ نفس
عميق، وأغلق عيونك، ثم انفخ الهواء وأرخي
جميع عضلاتك، كرر هذا التمرين وستشعر
بأن الضغط على عيونك قد خف
للحكة أو الدغدغة في الحنجرة ... 
إذا أصابتك حكة أو دغدغة في الحنجرة، افرك أذنك! 
هناك أعصاب محفزة في الأذن، وعند حك الأذن
تقوم بعمل رد فعل في الحنجرة يمكن أن يسبب
تشنج العضلة، هذا التشنج يخفف الحكة المزعجة
أو الدغدغة. 
الدكتور سكوت شافير، رئيس مركز الأذن والأنف و الحنجرة
في نيوجيرسي. 

... لا تشعر بالألم ...

هل تخاف من الحقنة؟ ومن لا يخاف منها. 
ولكن الآن بإمكانك التخلص من الخوف
والألم معاً عن طريق السعال أثناء اخذ

حيث اكتشف باحثون ألمان بان السعال
أثناء الحقن يقلل الألم لان السعال يسبب
ارتفاع مؤقت مفاجئ في ضغط الصدر
والقناة الشوكية ويمنع تركيب إجراءات
الشعور بالألم في الحبل الشوكي. 
تاراس اوزشينكو، مؤلف دراسة الظاهرة

...تخفيف احتقان الأنف .. 

هل تعاني من احتقان الأنف المزمن
ولم تنفع معك الأدوية،
أليك طريقة أرخص وأسرع وأسهل للتخفيف
من ضغط الجيوب قم بدفع لسانك ضد سقف فمك
بالتناوب، ثم اضغط بين حواجبك بإصبع واحد. 
هذا يسبب هز عظمة فومر التي تمر عبر الممرات
الأنفية إلى الفم، وهذه الهزات تسبب تحرك الاحتقان،
بعد20 ثانية ستشعر بأن الاحتقان بدء بالتحلل. 
ليسا ديستيفانو، أستاذ مساعد في كلية ولاية ميشغان

... كافح الحرقة دون ماء ...

هل تزعجك الحرقة عندما تنام. أصبح الحل أسهل.

أثبتت الدراسات بأن النوم على الجانب الأيسر
يقلل من الشعور بالحرقة. حيث يرتبط المريء
والمعدة بوصلة عند الزاوية، فعندما تنام على
اليمين تصبح المعدة أعلى من المريء، مما يسمح
للطعام والأحماض بالتسرب إلى المريء
والحلق. بينما عندما تنام على الجانب الأيسر
تصبح المعدة أدنى من المريء
وهكذا تصبح الجاذبية لمصلحتك. 
انتوني ستاربولي، متخصص بأمراض المعدة والأمعاء وأستاذ
مساعد في كلية نيويورك الطبية. ملحوظة : النوم على الشق الأيمن من السنة فلذا ينبغي و الأفضل أن تنام و معدتك خفيفة

ماذا تفعل لو علقت عظمة سمكة فى البلعوم

هناك من يحب السمك ومن كثرة حبه ياكله بعظمة

يحب كثير من الناس اكل الاسماك لانها لذيذة ومفيدة لصحة الانسان ولكن قد يعاني البعض من مشكلة عظامها

اذا علقت في البلعوم وغالبا ما تكون مشكلة مزعجة . اكيد مزعجة
طريقة شعبية لازالة العظام . 
تأخذ اولا بعض حبات الزيتون وتضعها في قدر مع بعض الماء البارد وتغليها علي النار لمدة ، ثم تشرب هذا
العصير الساخن شيئا فشيئا وتبلعه جرعة بعد جرعة لكي يمر عصير لبوب الزيتون لوقت اطول علي العظمة .
وبعد دقائق تختفي العظمة تلقائيا ويختفي معها الازعاج من البلعوم . 

اذا كنت لا تصدق فعالية هذه الطريقة فيمكنك ان تضع بعض عظام السمك في مثل هذا العصير لترى ماذا يحدث ،
ستصبح عظام السمك بعد دقائق لينة جدا كانها مكرونة مطبوخة 

الأحد، 14 يناير 2018

how to use your time efficiently

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 3:11 م

Time is precious, particularly when it comes to running a small business. Yet there are never more than 24 hours in a day. Some entrepreneurs respond to this fact of life with focus and purpose. Others freak out. Are you in the latter group? You don’t have to be. With the right approach, you can work efficiently, productively, and relatively stress-free. Here are seven tips for effectively managing your time: 1. Know your goals. Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals, both short- and long-term. Everything else is a potential time-waster. Your daily plan should revolve around working on tasks and activities that directly relate to generating income and growing your business. 2. Prioritize wisely. Stephen Covey, co-author of First Things First, offers an organizational tool for your to-do list based on how important and urgent tasks are. Looking at what goes into making up your day, where do your activities fit into these categories? Important and urgent — Tasks that must be done. Do them right away. Important but not urgent — Tasks that appear important, but upon closer examination aren’t. Decide when to do them. Urgent but not important — Tasks that make the most “noise,” but when accomplished, have little or no lasting value. Delegate these if possible. Not urgent and not important — Low-priority stuff that offer the illusion of “being busy.” Do them later. Write down your three or four “important and urgent” tasks that must be addressed today. As you complete each one, check it off your list. This will provide you with a sense of accomplishment and can motivate you to tackle less essential items. 3. Just say no. You’re the boss. If you have to decline a request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate to do so. The same goes for any projects or activities that you’ve determined are headed nowhere: Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks. Learn from the experience to avoid wasting time later on. 4. Plan ahead. One of the worst things you can do is jump into the workday with no clear idea about what needs to get done. The time you spend thinking ahead and planning your activities is trivial compared with the time you’ll lose jumping from one thing to the next (and rarely completing anything). Depending on your personality, try one of these options: The night before — At the end of the day, take 15 minutes to clear your desk and put together a list of the next day’s most pressing tasks. It’s a great decompression technique, and you’ll feel better sitting down at a clean desk in the morning. First thing in the morning — Arrive a few minutes early and assemble your prioritized to-do list (see #2). This may prove to be the most productive part of your day. 5. Eliminate distractions. Start paying attention to the number of times someone interrupts you when you’re in the midst of an important task. Track self-induced interruptions, too, particularly those of the social media variety. Your smartphone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the most insidious time-wasters known to mankind. It may take a massive exercise in will power, but shut the door and turn off your phone to maximize your time. Instead of being “always on,” plan a break in the day to catch up on email, call people back, talk with staff, etc. 6. Delegate more often. If you’ve done a good job of hiring talented, dedicated employees, there’s always more work they can take off your desk. Running a successful small business depends upon the owner’s ability to think about what lies ahead and not get mired in day-to-day operations. Look for opportunities to pass responsibility for specific tasks to others on your team. 7. Take care of yourself. Be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a high-functioning mind and one that’s less tolerant of time-wasting activities.

الجمعة، 12 يناير 2018

top cities to live 2018

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 9:25 م

CURRENT PAGE 1 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 NEXT PAGENEXT LAST PAGELAST LIV SCORE 695 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 1 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Rochester, MN Population: 110,275 Four-time recipient of the Best Places to Live honor, Rochester earned the top spot for the second year in a row due to high scores for its health-care scene and a diverse range of affordable housing. Home to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester is also an entrepreneurial powerhouse, with many new businesses and a wide variety of things to do that keep residents entertained and engaged. Read more about why Rochester is a Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 678 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 2 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Iowa City, IA Population: 71,832 Home to the University of Iowa Hawkeyes as well as Kirkwood Community College, Iowa City features a college-town atmosphere with big-city cultural events that are attractive to both locals and students. Quality of life conveniences include multiple shopping choices, arts and entertainment attractions, culinary options from fine dining to pub food, numerous nightlife spots and top health care at several hospitals. Iowa City perennially ranks high on the Best Places to Live list. Read more about why Iowa City is a Top 100 Best Place to Live Learn more LIV SCORE 674 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 3 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Ann Arbor, MI Population: 116,194 Known largely for its 40,000-student University of Michigan flagship campus, Ann Arbor is a city that also houses two of the nation’s top hospitals – St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor and University of Michigan Medical Center. Prognosticators rank U of M’s 2017 football team as one of the best in the country, and Ann Arbor enjoys amenities like well-regarded art galleries, performance venues and restaurants. The city continues to attract more and more high tech companies and consistently ranks as a Top 10 College Town. Find more about why Ann Arbor is a Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 672 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 4 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Olympia, WA Population: 48,941 As the capital of Washington, Olympia’s major employers are state and local government. Residents have access to 25 hospitals within a 60-mile radius, and beautiful scenery highlights include Puget Sound, Turnwater Falls Park, Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge and Wolf Haven International. Olympia has a top transportation system in place, and students have the convenience of Evergreen State College, Saint Martin’s University and South Puget Sound Community College. Here’s more about why Olympia is a Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 670 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 5 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Charlottesville, VA Population: 45,084 Nicknamed C’ville, Charlottesville is home to Thomas Jefferson’s famed Monticello residence as well as the University of Virginia, and the city is graced with many impressive historic buildings. Two of the largest employers are University of Virginia Medical Center and Martha Jefferson Hospital, and Charlottesville offers a variety of independent restaurants, shopping opportunities and entertainment venues. Shenandoah National Park has excellent hiking trails, and city officials make parks and green spaces a priority. Read more about why Charlottesville is a Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 669 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 6 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Bellevue, WA Population: 134,630 Across Lake Washington from Seattle and French for “beautiful view” is Bellevue, which has appeared on the Best Places to Live list four consecutive years and features some of the best public schools in America (along with Bellevue College). A high-ranking healthcare system exists along with a downtown district that accommodates 1,300 businesses, and shoppers have choices like Bellevue Square and three major malls. An annual Bellevue Arts and Crafts Fair has occurred since 1947. Read more about why Bellevue is a Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 669 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 7 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Palo Alto, CA Population: 66,478 In the heart of Silicon Valley is Palo Alto, a city near Stanford University and home to numerous cutting-edge technology companies. Big-name firms headquartered in Palo Alto include Hewlett-Packard, Skype and Tesla Motors, and the city served as an incubator to tech giants like Facebook, Google, PayPal and Pinterest. Quality of life amenities include top hospitals, historic neighborhoods, high-end shopping, many parks and outdoor recreation, and more than 5 percent of residents walk to work. Find out more about why Palo Alto is a 100 Best Places to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 668 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 8 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Madison, WI Population: 243,122 One of the top bicycling cities in America is Madison, primarily known as home to the University of Wisconsin – one of the top research universities in the world. The community is entrepreneurial and business friendly and ranks high in healthcare, and plenty of cultural and outdoor attractions are available to locals and students. This capital city of Wisconsin also has a robust restaurant network, and entertainment venues are abundant especially along State Street. Read more about why Madison is a Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 668 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 9 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Overland Park, KS Population: 181,464 Considered an excellent city for young families, Overland Park is a four-time Best Places to Live recipient thanks in large part to great schools, low crime, multiple shopping choices, many independent restaurants and more than 85 community parks. Healthcare is a major livability asset with three high-rated hospitals, and other strong economic sectors are finance, insurance and information technology. Motorists have the convenience of Interstates 35 and 435. Learn more about why Overland Park Top 100 Best Place to Live. Learn more LIV SCORE 667 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedInShare 10 2017 Top 100 Best Places to Live Bismarck, ND Population: 66,980 More than 80 miles of trails grace Bismarck, a fast-growing city on the Missouri River that offers plenty for people who enjoy active lifestyles and the outdoors. This capital of North Dakota hosts five colleges and highly regarded hospitals, and the city serves as the economic hub for south-central North Dakota and north-central South Dakota. A bustling downtown and many housing choices are available to residents, and five airlines serve Bismarck Municipal Airport.

Top Countries to study 2018

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 3:00 م

1. Italy With its amazing food, sexy language, beautiful art, and dynamic history, Italy is the most sought-after destination for aspiring study abroad students. Study abroad programs in Italy have a unique blend of Italian cultural studies and courses in a variety of majors from business to fine arts. Pros: Most programs require little to no Italian language study, making Italy accessible to students. Also, there’s the cinematic landscapes, iconic historical sites in every corner, and gelatos in colors you didn’t even know existed. Cons: Not learning the national language makes integrating into the local culture difficult- and this is one culture you don’t want to miss out on. And while eating all that gelato is not necessarily your waist line’s best friend, it works wonders for the soul. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 2. Spain Spain boasts historic festivals, siestas, and flamenco dancers. And a lot more than just the stereotypical stuff; there’s also great hikes all over the country, fabulous beaches for all beach variety types, and an endless variety of jamón serrano. Each year thousands of students journey to Spain to learn Spanish (duh!) and to take classes in international business, European studies, and more. Pros: The diversity of study abroad programs in Spain guarantees housing and classroom conditions right up your personal alley. The demographic of study abroad students will be very diverse, but if you just wanna kick back with the locals over a glass of sangria, no worries. The people of this country love nothing more than to chat, share food, and soak up the sun. Cons: Spain is such a popular study abroad destination among American students that it can sometimes be hard to immerse in the local culture. International students need to be intentional about going off the beaten path and exploring outside their comfort zones; go for some tapas with locals, take day trips to little villages, and get to know your community. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 3. England Not sure if it's England’s historical ties with so many parts of the world…or David Beckham’s profile…or the quirky jargon…or Harry Potter’s castle…but for some reason, students just love studying abroad in England. Pros: Ideal for students who’ve never been out of the country, England offers a more subtle foray into the world of cultural differences. English is spoken everywhere (even if there are local dialects you can pick up if you’re up for the challenge!) and finding your favorite brands from back home probably won’t be an issue here. Cons: It might be just a bit too “easy” for students seeking a dramatically different cultural experience. Also, the UK is expensive; there’s no getting around that. If cost is a concern, students should look for programs outside of London for more affordable options. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 4. France From the dazzling city lights and sights of Paris to the coastal sun and fun of the French Riviera, students love the romanticism of France. That’s not even getting into the fashion statements or culinary adventures. La vie en rose. Pros: Programs are available in such diverse locations as cosmopolitan Paris or medieval Avignon, with options in either French or English. You can choose for yourself how challenging the next semester is going to be. We already mentioned the fancy foods and lyricism of the language, right? Cons: Even if you chose to enroll in a study abroad program in France taught in English, some prior French language study is highly recommended, especially if you are living outside of the main centers. Be aware that occasional union protests can shut the country down. But hey, it’s all part of the experience. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 5. Germany Maybe because Germany is home to the world famous Oktoberfest and the Neuschwanstein Castle (Disney’s inspiration), but there’s no denying that students are drawn to the many pleasures of German culture and its world-class education. Pros: This is a great place to study business, hard sciences, and German (natürlich). It’s also a great place for academic internships, with headquarters of some of the world’s biggest companies and dedication to innovation. Inside and outside of the classroom, efficiency is high, so there’s no need to waste time with bureaucratic inconveniences. Cons: Some prior German study is recommended, though many programs offer a combination of German language and courses taught in English. The best of both worlds! Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 6. Australia From snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef to hiking in the Outback and exploring metropolitan Sydney, thousands of students fly south to visit the land down under: Australia. And feel like they’re on top of the world. Pros: Australia is home to some of the best universities in the world. Here, students can study practically every major, but star topics include business, humanities, and all of the science fields. In your free time, get a tan, chase some wild critters, and hit those Bondi Blue waters. Cons: Being in the southern hemisphere, Australia’s academic calendar is opposite to that of North America/Europe. This can be a bummer for students with seasonal commitments back home (such as sports and summer internships). At the same time, this offers the possibility of a year-long summer, so it’s not all bad. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 7. Japan With beautiful zen-like architecture, some of the world’s most high-tech gadgets, and sushi, Japan offers students a wonderfully rich culture to explore. Take a twirl under the cherry blossom trees and learn the elegant draw of this little archipelago. Pros: Japan has the perfect intersection of modern conveniences (check out the shinkansen, Japan’s crazy-fast train) and historical surroundings (nearly every city has an ancient Buddhist temple), so whether you’re a modern manga fan or an ancient samurai warrior, there’s something just for you. Cons: Japan can be pretty expensive, even if you’re not pigging out on fancy sushi every night. Draft up a budget plan, and try to learn at least some of the basics of the Japanese language before crossing the pond. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 8. China Students flock to study in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong for the competitive advantage it will bring to their resumes. Outside of the classroom, there’s weekend mass migrations to famous sites like the Great Wall or Terracotta Warriors. Pros: Being the largest emerging economy in the world, language ability in Mandarin or Cantonese gives students a competitive edge in the job market. You’ll also be able to see first-hand how intricately China is involved in the global market (and to eat all of the tasty treats). Cons: Some students can experience some culture shock due to dramatically different language and cultural perspectives. Which, looking back, can also be the highlight of the experiences, so let yourself dive in deep. Don’t forget to carry around a spare face mask if you’re living in a bigger city. Particularly Awesome Programs: 9. Argentina Argentina is an amazing experience from end to end; learning tango in metropolitan Buenos Aires, exploring the wine country of Mendoza, hiking Patagonia, and viewing one of the most expansive waterfalls in the world, Iguazu Falls. Pros: If you like dining on fine steak and sipping bold wine every night, you will not be disappointed. If you get jittery in the classroom, just throw on a pair of hiking boots and point your finger at the next geographic wonder you’d like to tackle. Cons: The expansive landscape can be a challenge for anyone wanting to see each part of this beautiful country; focus in on specific areas (or just stay longer!). With strong Italian influences, expect some variety from that high school Spanish you’re bringing with you. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: 10. Costa Rica Costa Rica’s balance of rugged outdoor adventure and cultural urban flair is the perfect destination for a truly unique study abroad experience. And once you’ve broken the South American barrier, use this country as a base for other countries that are a little bit more under-the-radar. If you will be able to pull yourself away from the pura vida, that is. Pros: With a balance of Latin American culture and American tourism, the ease of (cheap!) travel is great. If you want to learn Spanish, this is the place. Cons: An abundance of foreign traffic prices in some of the touristic places. Learn the going rate of basic items, learn how to haggle (it’s all about the cultural immersion, ‘yo!), and don’t let yourself get lured into tourist traps. Particularly Awesome Study Abroad Programs: Maximo Nivel CISabroad Sol Education Abroad

goals for 2018

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 4:35 ص
With the end of 2017 we’re already looking forward to next year. We strongly believe in goal setting and self-reflection because it encourages us to grow as unique individuals. There is power and confidence in accomplishing the milestones we set for ourselves. While you’re taking the time to reflect on how this year went, look ahead to the goals for next year. Keep in mind that the best goals are measurable and have clear metrics to track. But setting your goals is only the first step in achieving them — you need a plan and a system in place to guide you and keep you on track. We all know what it’s like to set goals that we don’t follow through with. This is why I’m excited about using my Unbound Planner in 2018! It’s the first I’ve seen that tracks all your goals in one place — whether they occur yearly, monthly, weekly or daily. I’ll show you what I mean in the examples below. That said, here are 18 goals to set in 2018: 1. Take one personal development course. Change and learning are markers of growth. It shows a lot of initiative if you take a course that focuses specifically on personal development. Whether it’s on goal setting, leadership, confidence or something else, taking a course will be a catalyst for growth. “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” This is an example of a one-time goal. As you can see in the photo, you schedule these types of goals on your timeline page. Then, each month you’ll refer back to this page as you’re planning your goals for that month. 2. Earn one new career certification. Like with personal growth, your career growth is dependent on what you put into it. Taking time, especially personal time, to devote to your career development shows both initiative and commitment. You’ll learn something and impress your boss too. And in the very least it’s something new to add to your LinkedIn profile. 3. Read (at least) 12 books. Books are easily the most inexpensive tools at our disposal. There is a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be uncovered on our pursuit of personal development. One book a month is a reasonable goal to set. Here are a few of our favorites: 6 New Books to Read for Your Career and Self-Development 15 Books That Challenge Us to Think Differently 5 Books Written By Women to Read for Self-Development 14 Books to Change the Way You Think About Your Career If you love reading brand new titles and releases, we recommend Book of the Month — if you sign up here, you’ll get your first book for $9.99 and a free tote bag. 4. Unfollow everyone who makes you feel bad about yourself on social media. There’s a lot we can’t control, but our timelines are one of the things we can. Comparison is the thief of joy and if scrolling past fitness models and world travelers isn’t doing anything to help your self-esteem, unfollow them. There is no shame in doing what is best for yourself. 5. Do a Whole30. It’s no secret that we’re major fans of the Whole30 here at GenTwenty. Learning about how our bodies work individually is so valuable. What we eat impacts our health, our sleeping patterns, and our mood in significant ways. It might sound challenging to give up sugar, alcohol, legumes, grains, dairy, MSG, carrageenan or sulfites — but you can do it! It’s only 30 days, after all. Pro-tip: The key to successful Whole30 is keeping track of your meals and prepping ahead of time. We highly recommend browsing the website thoroughly and reading the book to understand why you’re doing a Whole30 and how it will aid you in the long run. 6. Complete a no-spend challenge. Can you track where every cent of your money is going? Learning your spending habits and creating a budget (get our free template here!) is the first step to financial freedom. We can easily get drawn into spending more money than we intend to. A great way to combat this is to do a no-spend challenge. That’s a month of no extraneous spending. Marina completed a six month shopping ban that jump-started her path to financial freedom. You can do it. 7. Spend more time putting yourself first. Saying no to others is hard. Putting yourself first is seen as “selfish” or even thoughtless and careless. We think it means the opposite. Putting yourself first and taking the time to take care of yourself in the ways that you need to be supported physically and emotionally, gives you the space the be your best self. We cannot do our best work or serve others when we are rundown and exhausted. Schedule time specifically for yourself into every day. Maybe that’s your time to read, catch up on chores, run personal errands or watch your favorite TV show. There is no shame in taking care of yourself. The Unbound Planner helps make self-care a priority by reminding you each week, in your weekly goals section, to spend time on yourself. 8. Travel somewhere new. New places and new people gives us a perspective we don’t get from our typical routines. This exposure to different situations, foods, and experiences changes us. You don’t have to go very far, a day trip to somewhere nearby that you’ve never been before is enough to shake up your comfort zone. It’s these experiences that make your life richer. 9. Go to six concerts. There’s something about music that is both healing and hypnotic. You’re transported to somewhere carefree, even if just for a few hours. Setting a specific number of concerts, allows you to have a concrete and measureable goal that you can track throughout the year. If there are no events on your calendar, find something new ASAP by searching the websites of local venues. 10. Up your water intake. Does anyone else feel dehydrated or is it just me? Our water intake seems to fall to the wayside, especially in favor of everyone’s favorite — caffeine. Do whatever it takes for you to get more water into your diet. You’ll have more energy, better digestion, and will just feel better. Use the habit tracker in the Unbound Planner to check off your daily cups. Bottoms up! 11. Do the thing you’ve been putting off. We all have that one thing that we’ve always wanted to do but somehow never get around to. For me, it’s calligraphy. It’s something I continuously say I want to learn, yet hardly ever make any moves towards it. Last year I bought a few books and pens and even signed up for a course. Guess what’s still sitting on my bookshelf? Yep. 2018 will be the year. 12. Go to a new restaurant or cook a new meal once a month. Like with traveling, it’s easy to fall into a routine with our food. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with eating the same meals and popping into the same places every month, but what might you be missing out on by sticking with your routine? Make some reservations and get out there. Tip: you could get up to 30% cash back at participating restaurants with this hack! Set a monthly goal of making a reservation on the 5th of every month to make sure you follow through! Unbound Planner makes tracking monthly goals like this easy with its dedicated monthly goal section. 13. Add $100 extra dollars to your savings every month. Setting financial goals is crucial to reaching financial freedom one day. By adding more to your savings now, you can make “one day” come sooner. Whether you add that extra $100 to your 401(k), your emergency fund, or an investment account, the point is that you do it. For this repeating monthly goal, set up automatic transfers on pay day to make it non-negotiable. Mark it in your Unbound Planner to stay on track with this monthly goal! Increasing your savings on a regular basis, especially as you bring in more income through a promotion, a side hustle or a job change, is your best bet in avoiding succumbing to lifestyle inflation. You’ve got this. 14. Spend more time with the people you care about. How often do you put off spending time with your family or friends because you’re “busy?” We all have things to do and deadlines to meet. Grown-up responsibilities often take up a lot of our time. It’s up to us to make it a priority to call them or grab coffee more frequently. Your relationships are what you remember. Make this goal specific by putting “call my parents once a week” or “have coffee with a close friend every Thursday” on your calendar. 15. Volunteer your time to a cause that matters to you. Donating money or supplies is a great thing to do if you can! Giving your time is just as valuable too. It’s important to put love and kindness into the world in anyway that we can. Volunteering your time is a way to do just that. 16. Go to all of your doctor’s appointments. Primary care, eye, dentist… making and keeping these appointments annually is a essential for keeping track of our health over time. In our younger years, we tend to put off going to these appointments because they’re expensive, especially if we don’t have insurance. Keep them if you can. This track record will be valuable as we get older. Not to mention, you’ll be able to catch any potential health issues sooner. 17. Let go of anything that is not serving you. Things that serve you are things that make you a better person. Exercise might be tough in the moment, but ultimately it is encouraging your overall health. If you’re not sure where to start, analyze your schedule and ask yourself: What do I most look forward to? What drains me? Do more of what you’re looking forward to and less of what you dread. Be honest with yourself. This takes some self-tough-love. You have to have the self-awareness to know that even if you’re dreading something, that doesn’t mean it’s not serving you. Pay careful attention to the commitments that leave you exhausted. A way keep up with this is by practicing regular self-reflection. This is another thing I love about Unbound — it incorporates essential life practices like self-reflection throughout. 18. Learn to be your own best friend. Borrowing from Rachael’s post 17 Goals to Set in 2017, learning to be your own best friend is essential. You are the only person who you have to spend your whole life with. Get to know yourself better. Learn everything you like, dislike, what lights you up, what brings you down. Treat yourself like a best friend should be treated — with kindness and respect. And there you have it — 18 goals to set in 2018! From one person to another, our goals are unique as snowflakes and they need a system that reflects that. These goals and resolutions we set for ourselves can be overwhelming without a system in place to track them and hold us accountable.

The 10 Best Books of 2017

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 4:27 ص
The 10 Best Books of 2017 The year’s best books, selected by the editors of The New York Times Book Review. Photo Credit Nicole Licht Fiction Autumn By Ali Smith The extraordinary friendship of an elderly songwriter and the precocious child of his single-parent neighbor is at the heart of this novel that darts back and forth through the decades, from the 1960s to the era of Brexit. The first in a projected four-volume series, it’s a moving exploration of the intricacies of the imagination, a sly teasing-out of a host of big ideas and small revelations, all hovering around a timeless quandary: how to observe, how to be. Read our review of “Autumn” Pantheon Books. $24.95. Fiction Exit West By Mohsin Hamid A deceptively simple conceit turns a timely novel about a couple fleeing a civil war into a profound meditation on the psychology of exile. Magic doors separate the known calamities of the old world from the unknown perils of the new, as the migrants learn how to adjust to an improvisatory existence. Hamid has written a novel that fuses the real with the surreal — perhaps the most faithful way to convey the tremulous political fault lines of our interconnected planet. Read our review of “Exit West” Riverhead Books. $26 Fiction Pachinko By Min Jin Lee Lee’s stunning novel, her second, chronicles four generations of an ethnic Korean family, first in Japanese-occupied Korea in the early 20th century, then in Japan itself from the years before World War II to the late 1980s. Exploring central concerns of identity, homeland and belonging, the book announces its ambitions right from the opening sentence: “History has failed us, but no matter.” Lee suggests that behind the facades of wildly different people lie countless private desires, hopes and miseries, if we have the patience and compassion to look and listen. Read our review of “Pachinko” Grand Central Publishing. $27. Fiction The Power By Naomi Alderman Alderman imagines our present moment — our history, our wars, our politics — complicated by the sudden manifestation of a lethal “electrostatic power” in women that upends gender dynamics across the globe. It’s a riveting story, told in fittingly electric language, that explores how power corrupts everyone: those new to it and those resisting its loss. Provocatively, Alderman suggests that history’s horrors are inescapable — that there will always be abuses of power, that the arc of the universe doesn’t bend toward justice so much as inscribe a circle away from it. “Transfers of power, of course, are rarely smooth,” one character observes. Read our review of “The Power” Little, Brown & Company. $26. Fiction Sing, Unburied, Sing By Jesmyn Ward In her follow-up to “Salvage the Bones,” Ward returns to the fictional town of Bois Sauvage, Miss., and the stories of ordinary people who would be easy to classify dismissively into categories like “rural poor,” “drug-dependent,” “products of the criminal justice system.” Instead Ward gives us Jojo, a 13-year-old, and a road trip that he and his little sister take with his drug-addicted black mother to pick up their white father from prison. And there is nothing small about their existences. Their story feels mythic, both encompassing the ghosts of the past and touching on all the racial and social dynamics of the South as they course through this one fractured family. Ward’s greatest feat here is achieving a level of empathy that is all too often impossible to muster in real life, but that is genuine and inevitable in the hands of a writer of such lyric imagination. Read our review of “Sing, Unburied, Sing” Scribner. $26. Nonfiction The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin’s Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World — and Us By Richard O. Prum If a science book can be subversive and feminist and change the way we look at our own bodies — but also be mostly about birds — this is it. Prum, an ornithologist, mounts a defense of Darwin’s second, largely overlooked theory of sexual selection. Darwin believed that, in addition to evolving to adapt to the environment, some other force must be at work shaping the species: the aesthetic mating choices made largely by the females. Prum wants subjectivity and the desire for beauty to be part of our understanding of how evolution works. It’s a passionate plea that begins with birds and ends with humans and will help you finally understand, among other things, how in the world we have an animal like the peacock. Read our review of “The Evolution of Beauty” Doubleday. $30. Nonfiction Grant By Ron Chernow Even those who think they are familiar with Ulysses S. Grant’s career will learn something from Chernow’s fascinating and comprehensive biography, especially about Grant’s often overlooked achievements as president. What is more, at a time of economic inequality reflecting the 19th century’s Gilded Age and a renewed threat from white-supremacy groups, Chernow reminds us that Grant’s courageous example is more valuable than ever, and in this sense, “Grant” is as much a mirror on our own time as a history lesson. Read our review of “Grant” Penguin Press. $40. Nonfiction Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America By James Forman Jr. A former public defender in Washington, Forman has written a masterly account of how a generation of black officials, beginning in the 1970s, wrestled with recurring crises of violence and drug use in the nation’s capital. What started out as an effort to assert the value of black lives turned into an embrace of tough-on-crime policies — with devastating consequences for the very communities those officials had promised to represent. Forman argues that dismantling the American system of mass incarceration will require a new understanding of justice, one that emphasizes accountability instead of vengeance. Read our review of “Locking Up Our Own” Nonfiction Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder By Caroline Fraser Fraser’s biography of the author of “Little House on the Prairie” and other beloved books about her childhood during the era of westward migration captures the details of a life — and an improbable, iconic literary career — that has been expertly veiled by fiction. Exhaustively researched and passionately written, this book refreshes and revitalizes our understanding of Western American history, giving space to the stories of Native Americans displaced from the tribal lands by white settlers like the Ingalls family as well as to the travails of homesteaders, farmers and everyone else who rushed to the West to extract its often elusive riches. Ending with a savvy analysis of the 20th-century turn toward right-wing politics taken by Wilder and her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, Fraser offers a remarkably wide-angle view of how national myths are shaped. Read our review of “Prairie Fires” Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company. $35. Nonfiction Priestdaddy By Patricia Lockwood In this affectionate and very funny memoir, Lockwood weaves the story of her family — including her Roman Catholic priest father, who received a special dispensation from the Vatican — with her own coming-of-age, and the crisis that later led her and her husband to live temporarily under her parents’ rectory roof. She also brings to bear her gifts as a poet, mixing the sacred and profane in a voice that’s wonderfully grounded and authentic. This book proves Lockwood to be a formidably gifted writer who can do pretty much anything she pleases. Read our review of “Priestdaddy”
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