الأحد، 18 ديسمبر 2016

How To Overcome Sadness ?

بواسطة : Unknown بتاريخ : 8:54 م

Source : WIKI

How to Overcome Sadness ?

Everyone experiences sadness at some point or other in their lives. Studies have shown that sadness lasts longer than many other emotions because we tend to spend more time thinking about it. Ruminating, or going over our sad thoughts and feelings again and again, can lead to depression and keep you from overcoming sadness.[1] There are several things you can do to help yourself through the hard times.

Method One of Five:
Coping With SadnessEdit


Cry. Some studies suggest that crying may have a relaxing effect on the body by releasing endorphins, a natural “feel-good” chemical in your body. Crying may also activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body recover from stress and trauma.[2]Several studies suggest that crying is a useful coping mechanism because it communicates pain to others. It may also encourage others to show support.[3]Dr. William Frey’s idea that crying removes toxins from the body is very popular in the media. This may be true, although the amount of toxins eliminated by crying is negligible. Most tears are reabsorbed in your nasal cavity.[4]One study suggested that whether you feel better after crying is linked to how your culture views crying. If your culture (or even your family) views crying as something shameful, you may not feel better after crying.[5]Don’t make yourself cry if you don’t feel like it. While popular wisdom holds that not crying after a sadness-provoking incident is unhealthy, this is not the case. Crying because you feel obligated to may actually keep you from recovering.[6]


Exercise. Several studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals that can help fight sadness.[7] One study showed that participants who did moderate exercise over a 10-week period felt more energetic, positive, and calm than those who did not. In addition, the benefits of exercise were greater for people experiencing depressed mood.[8]Exercise will also give you a time to focus on one specific goal. This may help distract you from focusing on your sadness.You don’t have to run a marathon or be a gym rat to see the benefits of exercise. Even light activities such as gardening and walking show a positive effect.


Smile. Several studies have shown that smiling, even when you are sad, can help you feel better.[9]Duchenne smiles, or smiles that engage your eye muscles as well as those near your mouth, have the strongest positive effect on your mood. So if you are feeling sad, try to smile. Even if you don’t feel like it at first, it may help you feel more positive.Research has also showed the opposite: people who frown when they feel unhappy are likely to feel more unhappy than those who do not (or cannot) frown.[10]


Listen to music. Listening to music can help soothe and relax you. Whyyou choose to listen to music is as important as what you listen to. Listening to “beautiful but sad” classical music that you enjoy may help people work through their own sadness.[11][12]It’s not a good idea to use music to reminisce about sad situations or experiences. Research has shown that this may make your sadness worse. Choosing music that you find beautiful is the most effective way to relieve sadness.[13]If sadness has you feeling stressed out, the British Academy of Sound Therapy has put together a playlist of the “world’s most relaxing music” according to science. These songs include music by Enya, Airstream, Marconi Union, and Coldplay.[14]


Take a warm bath or shower. Research has shown that physical warmth has a comforting effect. Taking a warm bath or a hot shower will help you relax. It may also help you soothe your feelings of sadness.[15]


Method Two of Five:
Overcoming SadnessEdit


Acknowledge your feelings. Sadness is normal and can even be healthy. Research has shown that experiencing mixed feelings and negative feelings is crucial to mental well-being.[16] Many studies have shown that people who apologize for or repress their feelings actually intensify those negative feelings.Try to acknowledge your emotions without judging yourself for them. It’s easy to think, “This isn’t a big deal, why am I so sad about it?” Instead, accept your emotions for what they are. This will help you manage them.[17]


Distract yourself. Studies have shown that rumination, or the process of going over and over your feelings of sadness, hinders recovery. [18] Distracting yourself from ruminating on your sadness may help you overcome it.[19]Find pleasant things to do. Doing things that you enjoy can help you overcome sadness, even if you don’t initially feel like doing them.[20] Go for a walk. Take an art class. Find a new hobby. Learn how to play classical guitar. Whatever it is that you get enjoyment out of, make yourself do it.Interact with friends. Interacting with loved ones can boost your body’s production of oxytocin. Go to a movie, grab a coffee, go on a blind date. Studies have shown that retreating from others can worsen depressive symptoms, including sadness.[21]


Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is based on acknowledging your experiences and accepting them without judging them or yourself. Research has shown that practicing mindfulness can actually change how your brain responds to sadness. It can also help you recover from sadness faster.[22]Because mindfulness focuses on remaining in the present moment, it can help you avoid rumination.


Try meditation. A common mindfulness technique is mindfulness meditation. Several studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can reduce your brain’s responses to negative emotional stimuli.[23]Mindfulness meditation can also alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.A basic mindfulness meditation takes about 15 minutes. Find a quiet, comfortable place. Sit, either in a chair or on the floor with your legs crossed. Loosen tight clothing and make yourself comfortable.[24]Choose one aspect of your breathing to focus on. This could be the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, or the sensation of air going through your nostrils. Focus your concentration on that element.Inhale slowly through your nose. Allow your abdomen to relax and expand as you fill your lungs. Slowly exhale through your mouth.Continue breathing as you expand your focus. Notice the sensations you feel. These could include the feeling of your clothes against your skin or the beat of your heart.Acknowledge these sensations but don’t judge them. If you find yourself getting distracted, return to focusing on your breathing.


Take up yoga or tai chi. Yoga and Tai Chi have been shown to relieve stress and elevate mood. These effects may be because of the emphasis on “self-awareness” in these forms of exercise. Many studies have shown that Yoga and Tai Chi help relieve physical and psychological pain.[25][26]Taking classes with others may provide more relief than doing these exercises on your own.


Method Three of Five:
Recognizing and Handling Sadness from Grief and LossEdit


Know what may cause grief. Grief is the feeling of sadness that comes when you lose something or someone you value. How individuals grieve differs widely, but grief is a natural reaction to loss. Some common types of loss include:[27][28]Losing a loved one, such as a friend, relative, or romantic partnerKnowing a loved one is experiencing serious illnessLosing a relationshipLosing a petLeaving home or moving to a new homeLosing a job or a businessLosing important or sentimental objectsLosing physical abilities


Recognize natural grief reactions.Everyone reacts to grief and loss in their own way. There is no one “right” way to grieve. Some reactions to loss include:[29]Disbelief. It can be hard to accept that the loss has occurred. You may experience thoughts such as “This can’t be happening” or “This doesn’t happen to people like me.”Confusion. You may have trouble concentrating immediately after a loss. You may also experience forgetfulness or have trouble expressing your thoughts and feelings.Numbness. You may experience feelings of emotional numbness early in the grieving process. This may be your brain’s way of keeping you from feeling overwhelmed.Anxiety. It’s natural to feel anxious, nervous, or worried after a loss, especially if the loss was sudden.Relief. This emotion can cause people a lot of shame, but it is also a natural response. You may feel relieved that a loved one who had suffered through a long, painful illness is finally at peace. Do not judge yourself for this feeling.[30]Physical symptoms. You may experience a variety of physical symptoms after a loss. These could include feeling breathless, headaches, nausea, weakness, and fatigue. You may have trouble sleeping, or you may feel like sleeping all the time.


Do not judge your feelings. It is common for people who have lost material objects or pets to feel embarrassed, as though they “shouldn’t” grieve these losses.[31] Avoid these “should” statements and accept your grief. It is never wrong to grieve a loss of something or someone you value.Some research has shown that the death of a beloved pet may hurt as much as losing a family member.[32]The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a “Pet Loss Hotline.” They can help you with issues including when to euthanize an ill pet, how to handle your grief, and how to love a new pet. Their number is 1-877-GRIEF-10.


Understand the stages of grief.Almost everyone experiences grief in five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.[33] Not everyone goes through the stages in this order. For many people, grief forms a cycle of stages that gradually lessens over time.[34]These stages are not prescriptive. They should not tell you how to feel. Use them as a way to recognize what you’re feeling and deal with that. Never feel guilty for how you experience grief.The stages may not occur as separate stages. You may experience several stages overlapping. You may not experience some stages at all. There is no single normal experience of loss. Your experience of grief is natural and unique to you.[35]


Recognize denial. Denial is usually one of the first reactions to a loss or bad news.[36] It often manifests as a feeling of numbness. It may also include thoughts like “This isn’t real,” “I can’t handle this,” or even “I feel fine.”A common thought while experiencing denial is wishing that it was “all a dream.”Don’t confuse feeling numb or in shock as “not caring.” Denial is your mind’s way of protecting you from intense emotion as you adjust to your new situation. You may care very deeply about someone and still react with numbness or denial.[37]


Recognize anger. Anger is another natural reaction to loss. This feeling may manifest as thoughts such as “It’s not fair” or “Why did this happen to me?” You may look for someone or something to blame for your loss. Anger is a common response to feeling as though you have lost control of a situation. It is also a common response to feeling like you have been harmed.Talk with a grief counselor and/or support group as you experience anger. It can be difficult to manage anger on your own.[38] It’s important to talk with people who will not judge your anger but can help you through it.


Recognize bargaining. Bargaining thoughts and feelings may occur some time after the initial loss. These thoughts may be about what you “could have done” to prevent the loss. You may feel extremely guilty. You may fantasize about going back in time and doing things differently to prevent this loss.[39]It’s important to seek help during this stage too. If you cannot resolve your feelings of guilt, you may not be able to help yourself heal. Talk to a mental health professional or find a grief support group.[40]


Recognize depression. Depression is a very common reaction to loss. It may last for only a short time, or it may take a long time to recover from. It’s important to seek professional mental health help as you work through depression. If left untreated, depression usually gets worse. Symptoms of depression include:[41]FatigueDisturbed sleep patternsFeelings of guilt, helplessness, or worthlessnessFeelings of fear and sadnessFeeling disconnected from othersHeadaches, cramps, muscle aches, and other physical painsLoss of enjoyment in things you used to likeChanges in your “normal” mood (increased irritability, mania, etc.)Disturbed eating patternsSuicidal thoughts or plans[42]It might be very difficult to tell the difference between sadness during grieving and clinical depression. People who are grieving could experience all these symptoms. However, a person is more likely to be clinically depressed if the person is thinking about suicide or has a plan for suicide. If you are having suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help.


Seek help from friends and family. It may help to talk about your grief with people who are close to you. Sharing feelings of sadness with others may help them feel less intense.[43]


Give yourself time. The sadness from a loss may take a long time to heal. Be patient and kind with yourself. It may take awhile for you to achieve “acceptance,” the final stage of grieving.[44]


Method Four of Five:
Recognizing and Handling Clinical DepressionEdit


Compare clinical depression to “the blues.” Clinical depression goes beyond a feeling of sadness or “feeling down.” It is a serious mental health issue that requires treatment. Depression is unlikely to improve on its own.[45]Sadness is a natural human emotion. It can occur as a response to loss. It can be the result of experiencing something unpleasant or uncomfortable. Sadness or “feeling down” usually lessens on its own over time. It is often not a constant feeling. Sadness may come and go. It is usually triggered by a particular experience or event.[46]Clinical depression is more than sadness. It is not a feeling that people can just “get over.” It rarely lessens over time. It is usually near-constant or constantly present. It may not be triggered by any particular event or experience. It can be so overwhelming that it interferes with daily living.[47]


Recognize the symptoms of clinical depression. Clinical depression may manifest differently in different individuals. You may not have all of the symptoms of this disorder. Symptoms usually interfere with your daily life activities and may cause significant distress or dysfunction.[48] If you frequently experience five or more of these symptoms, you may have clinical depression:[49]Changes in sleep habitsChanges in eating habitsInability to focus or concentrate, “feeling fuzzy”Fatigue or lack of energyLoss of interest in things you used to enjoyIrritability or restlessnessWeight loss or weight gainFeelings of despair, hopelessness, or worthlessnessPhysical aches, pains, headaches, cramps, and other physical symptoms that have no clear cause


Know what causes depression.Depression has many causes, and researchers are not yet entirely certain how it works. Early trauma may cause changes in how your brain handles fear and stress. Many studies suggest that clinical depression may be partly genetic. Life changes such as losing a loved one or going through a divorce may trigger an episode of major depression.[50]Clinical depression is a complex disorder. It may be partially caused by trouble with neurotransmitters in your brain, such as serotonin and dopamine.[51] Medication may help regulate these chemicals and alleviate depression.Substance abuse, such as misuse of alcohol and drug use, is strongly linked to depression.[52]Studies suggest that lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals may suffer from higher rates of depression. This may be because of a lack of social and personal support systems.[53]


Talk with your doctor. If you have depressive symptoms that interfere with your daily life, consider talking with your physician. S/he may prescribe you antidepressant medications that can help regulate the hormones in your brain that affect mood.[54]Be sure to describe all of your symptoms honestly to your doctor. There are several types of antidepressant medication. Your symptoms will help your doctor determine which medicine may be most helpful to you.Your individual body chemistry can respond to medications very differently. You and your doctor may need to try several antidepressants before you find one that works for you. If you feel your medication is not helping after a few months, speak with your doctor.[55][56]Do not switch or stop taking antidepressant medications without consulting your doctor first. This could cause serious health and mood issues.[57]If you continue to have difficulty with your antidepressant medication, consider seeing a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with special training in psychiatric health. They may be able to help refine your medication to find the right treatment for you.[58]

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